Enable Global Reimbursements
If your company’s business bank account is in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, or Singapore, you can send direct reimbursements to nearly any country worldwide!
The process to enable international reimbursements depends on the currency of your reimbursement bank account, so be sure to review the corresponding instructions below.
If the Reimbursement Account is in the U.S. (USD)
Before you begin, ensure you have a verified U.S. business bank account connected. Once global reimbursement is enabled on your account, employees receiving payments will connect their non-USD bank account.
Step 1: Connect a U.S Business Bank Account
If you haven’t already, follow the instructions to Connect a US Business Bank Account.
Step 2: Verify the Bank Account for Global Reimbursements
- Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
- Click the Reports tab on the left.
- Ensure that the workspace currency is set to USD.
- Click the Reimbursements tab on the left.
- Ensure that the reimbursement method is set to Direct and that the correct bank account is selected.
- Click the Payments tab on the left.
- Click Enable Global Reimbursement next to the bank account.
- Complete the Global Reimbursement DocuSign form.
- Once the form is complete, it is automatically sent to our Compliance Team for review.
Our Support Team will contact you with more details if additional information is required, which may include:
- An authorization letter
- Proof of address and ID for the reimburser and/or company directors
- Independently certified documentation, such as a shareholder agreement from a lawyer, notary, or public accountant if an individual owns more than 25% of the company
Step 3: Start Reimbursing Internationally
After the bank account is verified for international payments, set the correct bank account as the reimbursement account:
- Under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements
- Select the reimbursement account as the default account.
- Ask your employees to add their deposit-only bank account.
- They can do this by logging into their Expensify accounts, heading to Settings > Account > Payments, and clicking Add Deposit-Only Bank Account.
If the Bank Account is Outside of the U.S (AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR, and SGD Currencies)
Overview of the International Bank Account Setup:
- Connect the reimbursement account to Expensify.
- Complete DocuSign Form.
- Expensify’s Compliance Team Reviews the Application: Depending on the country, the team approves the request or requests additional documentation.
- Expensify sends test deposits to the provided bank account: Expensify asks the customer to confirm test deposit amounts.
- Admin Actions Required:
- Set the reimbursement account under Settings > Workspaces > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements.
- Ensure employees add their deposit-only bank accounts under Settings > Account > Payments > Add Deposit-Only Bank Account.
Step 1: Connect the Bank Account
- Hover over Settings, then click Workspaces.
- Click the Reports tab on the left.
- Ensure that the selected workspace currency matches your reimbursement bank account currency.
- Click the Reimbursements tab on the left.
- Set the reimbursement method to Direct.
- Click Add Business Bank Account.
- Click Switch Country and adjust the Currency so the information is correct.
- Click Save & Continue.
- Enter the details of your bank account and click Save & Continue.
Step 2: Verify the Bank Account for Global Reimbursements
- Complete the Global Reimbursement DocuSign form.
- Once the form is complete, it is automatically sent to our Compliance Team for review.
- See the Requirements for Global Reimbursement section below to determine which additional information is required to set up international reimbursements for your entity.
- If prompted, upload one of the following:
- Voided check with business name and account details
- Bank statement showing the business name and account information
- Bank letter confirming the account details
Our Support Team will contact you via Concierge with more details if additional information is required.
Step 3: Start Reimbursing Internationally
After the bank account is verified for international payments, set the correct bank account as the reimbursement account:
- Under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements
- Select the reimbursement account as the default account.
- Ask your employees to add their deposit-only bank account.
- They can do this by logging into their Expensify accounts, heading to Settings > Account > Payments, and clicking Add Deposit-Only Bank Account.
Requirements for International Reimbursement
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document (e.g., utility bill, lease agreement)
- ✅ Bank Statement for Direct Debit Setup
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Takes 1 day to set up once onboarding is complete and the bank account is verified.
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document
- ✅ Bank Statement for Direct Debit Setup
- ✅ Proof of Beneficial Ownership
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Takes 1 day to set up once onboarding is complete and the bank account is verified.
United Kingdom
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document
- ✅ Bank Statement for Direct Debit Setup
- ✅ Proof of Beneficial Ownership
- ✅ Copy of ID and Proof of Address for Signatories
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Can only be set up after onboarding is complete.
European Union
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document
- ✅ Bank Statement for Direct Debit Setup
- ✅ Proof of Beneficial Ownership
- ✅ Certified Copies of ID & Address for UBOs (Only if the company is in Jersey)
Special Notes: 🇮🇹 Italy: Requires “Codice Fiscale” (Tax Identification Number). 🇪🇸 Spain: Driver’s license not accepted as ID.
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Can only be set up after onboarding is complete.
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document
- ✅ Bank Statement for Direct Debit Setup
- ✅ Proof of Beneficial Ownership
- ✅ Copy of ID & Proof of Address for all Signatories
Special Notes: Expensify’s Compliance Team must send a PDS FSG to company directors before onboarding.
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Takes 1 day to set up once onboarding is complete and the bank account is verified.
- ✅ Partner Application Form
- ✅ Address Verification Document
- ✅ Proof of Beneficial Ownership
- ✅ Director/Board Resolution
- ✅ Memorandum & Articles of Association
- ✅ Certified Copies of ID & Address for UBOs
Direct Debit Timeline: ⏳ Takes 3 weeks to set up. Clients are encouraged to pre-fund the account while waiting.
Can multiple people send reimbursements internationally?
Yes, once your company is authorized to send international payments, the individual who verified the bank account can share it with additional admins on the workspace, enabling them to send global reimbursements.
How long does it take to verify an account for global payments?
The verification process can take anywhere from a few business days to several weeks, depending on the information provided in the DocuSign form and if additional information is required for compliance.
Why can’t my employee add a non-USD bank account?
Make sure your employee’s default workspace is set to the one linked to the bank you’re using for global payments. They can confirm their default workspace by following these steps.
Who are the “Authorized User” and the “User” on the International Reimbursement DocuSign form?
- Authorized User: The person who will process international reimbursements. The Authorized User should be the same person who manages the bank account connection in Expensify.
- User: Expensify (leave blank).
Does Global Reimbursement in Expensify support SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) in the EU?
Global Reimbursement uses SEPA B2B to facilitate payments from EU-based accounts. SEPA Core is not supported.